The highlights of my week have been my bike biffs! My first day on the bike we grabbed onto this truck to get more speed and I hit this huge pot hole in the rode which sent me flying into a trench. I was completely fine except my shoes got soaked and I lost my pen. The next day I was going up a bridge but my tire slipped off the ramp and I took a nice fall. Once again I was fine but I lost my pen... Then on Sunday we were crossing this bridge over the trench and Elder Parisot was like ''Don't ride over this bridge..'' So I got off my seat and started walking when my tire got stuck in a hole in the bridge and some how I fell into the trench and got soaked... I got pics... Luckily I didn't lose my pen. A member washed me off and I had to go home and change. So it's been fun here! The accent of the people is different and I have trouble understanding certain people but for the most part it's far off from Trinidad.
The missionary work here is goin great though. I am in the same district as Elder Carpenter my trainer! He goes home this transfer. When President Mehr called me here he told me this zone is really struggling but this week things really turned around with every companionship in the zone. Being a zone leader hasn't changed much except I just have to make sure everyone is working.
We are working with a lot of cool people we are having a baptism next week with this kid named Nigel. He has been coming to church for a long time and no one asked him if he wanted to be taught or anything. We are working with this guy Shamee that has a baptismal date for the 17th. We told him about the word of wisdom and he got all his cigarettes and threw them off his balcony without hesitation. When I got here we had one person with a baptismal date and now we got 6! Three cool things about Guyana: 1. Best pineapple in the world 2. Everyone rides bikes 3. There's always someone blasting Motown!
Love you guys!
Elder Hale
ps If you want to write me you can send it to the trinidad address or write me for the Guyana address.
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